Category: health

  • Quitting Alcohol And Its Benefits

    The benefits I feel from quitting alcohol are manifold. I will go through the benefits in this article and also comment on what the challenges of quitting alcohol were for me. Where I were before quitting alcohol But first let me give you a brief overview of my alcohol consumption before quitting alcohol. As alcohol…

  • OMAD / Low carbs

    I’ve done some experimenting lately with a lot of things in my lifestyle. My target is to improve my cognitive abilities and energy throughout the day so that I can be as productive as possible. Both in regards to my industry, but also other pursuits that I may have in life. Like relationships and hobbies….

  • The Benefits of Cold Showers and How to Get There

    I’ve been taking daily cold showers for about 2-3 years so far. It is truly amazing what it does for my well being. The benefits of cold showers include me feeling more alert, happier, calmer and more resilient. I can handle normally stressful situations a lot better. And an unintended consequence is that my showers…

  • I Actually Quit Coffee

    I Actually Quit Coffee

    I wrote an article about my previous attempt to quit coffee here. I’ve tried it again and this time I’ve actually been able to quit all caffeine for real. I haven’t had any since 9th December 2023. That’s more than 2 months ago now. And I have some good news. It’s not been bad at…

  • Coffee

    I recently tried to reduce the amount of coffee I’m drinking. The reason was that I felt that my sleep quality was deteriorating. And that was validated by the data from my Garmin watch. I thought that the coffee I’m drinking could be a likely culprit. The experiment lasted for just 3 weeks and now…

  • Working Out Almost Every Day For Mood

    I tried working out every day for a month. How did it go? I found that my mood improved, but that the cutoff was at about 5-6 workouts per week. After that the marginal gain of adding another session felt negligible at best and negative at worst. Also, allowing for 1-2 days off per week…

  • Working Out Every Day

    The next thing I want to try in terms of workout is working out every day. The point of this is to elevate mood and happiness. I believe it might also be helpful for cognitive function. To avoid injury I will vary the workouts. I’ll be alternating between strength training and cardio. And within these…

  • Working Out For Mood, Health And Happiness

    I was just back at the gym after a 1.5 week break due to a cold. I’ve now stopped using the 4 hour body protocol by the book. However, I’m evolving it to fit my preferences. I liked the fact that the protocol from the book endorses going to failure in the sets. This is…

  • Occam’s Protocol Workout Evaluation After One Week

    I started the Occam’s protocol workout on one week ago. This is my one week into the new program evaluation post. I’ll evaluate body changes, the exercises, food and supplements. Body changes So far it’s hard to evaluate any proper changes in body composition. On Monday I got a scale to my home for the…

  • Exploring the Impact of Sugar and Breakfast on Daily Energy Levels

    Being in tune with our bodies is essential for understanding the factors that influence our energy levels and overall well-being. In my recent journal entries, I have been reflecting on my experiences with fatigue and exploring potential connections between my diet, particularly sugar consumption, and my energy levels throughout the day. On one particular day,…