Godot Devlog - Creating An ARPG

Welcome and thanks for joining this new series where I log my progress on my goal of creating my first game. It will be an ARPG (action role playing game) made in Godot. My goal is to complete this within 3 months.

This week has been very productive. I've developed every day and am getting to know Godot and GDScript better and better. I started using a task board at miro.com and the diagrams.net diagram painter for conceptualizing flows and logic.

I have expanded on the ideas of what the game should contain and also set a goal of releasing a simple game before 1st July. It feels like sizing the tasks to small pieces and delivering them one by one has been fruitful so far in teaching me more and more about Godot and it gives me a great sense of progress at the same time.

Things added during this week

Some upcoming things to add


Thank you so much for reading this episode of the devlog. In the video below you can see a little demo of the gameplay as it looks today. Hope to see you in the next one!


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