Update On Lifting And Health Protocols

I will pivot my exercise protocol slightly to experiment with a few new ideas that I’ve learned. The goal is better health and a stronger body.


Changes in workout:


Daily protein target: 215g (86kg bodyweight * 2.5) 

Daily kcal target: 44* 80kg = 3520kcal (current lean body mass + 4.5kg of lean body mass.)


Total daily cost: 66.5+27.6+11.25=105.35 SEK (~ $11)

Total monthly cost: ~ 3161 SEK (~ $316)



Supplements and their respective cost per month and anticipated effects:

The expected most bang for buck:

Total monthly cost:

More advanced supplements:

Try the likely more efficient supplements above first. Can add these one by one separately later to see their specific effects.

What do your protocols look like? Are there any changes that you want to make?

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